Editor: Katerina Theocharis


I have always considered shoes as an excellent communication tool, as they can say a lot about the person who is wearing them.

Quality handmade shoes are my fetish. I admire every single detail, the materials, their finish… A garment that if it is done right could turn into an objet d’ art.

Creating a quality pair of handmade shoes depends on many factors. First of all, it is a matter of a fine aesthetic quality, followed by excellent technical mastery. Last but not least, the artisan should possess the virtuosity to create shoes that do not harm the wearer’s feet, they are light, soft and comfortable.

It's a MAN's Class - Kwnstantinos Custom Made Shoes

From the first moment I entered Kwnstantinos’ workshop I got really amazed by the works of art that were hanging on his walls. Paintings of Picasso, Pollock, Mondrian and Terry Rodgers synthesize the ideal atmosphere for him to create. A perfectly decorated and classy space that from the very first moment makes you feel that you are exactly in the right place.

The first thing I told him when I saw him: “ You make amazing footwear, no one can challenge that. But, could you, please, take your shoes off for me? I want to see the condition of your feet!”

So in this way Kwnstantinos, being barefoot, started narrating his story…

It's a MAN's Class - Kwnstantinos Custom Made Shoes

The Story

From a very young age, Kwnstantinos occupied himself in his father’s craft industry, a fact that molded his personal aesthetic quality and love for footwear. Six years ago, he decided to do something that suited his philosophy best: the manufacture of exclusively handmade bespoke men’s shoes, customized on the needs and style of each customer.

It's a MAN's Class - Kwnstantinos Custom Made Shoes


The pursuit of quality, personalization and personal contact with classic values that are being expressed through a gentleman’s lifestyle, became the medium to deeply investigate and indulge in the world of bespoke footwear.

He, mostly, gets inspired by iconic people that are excellent in what they do (entrepreneurs, scientists, artists), people with vision, personal style and persistence to stand out regardless of any difficulties, people who have the right amount of craze… Unique people!

It's a MAN's Class - Kwnstantinos Custom Made Shoes It's a MAN's Class - Kwnstantinos Custom Made Shoes

The Work

Kwnstantinos is tasteful, punctual and a perfectionist. His personality is totally reflected in his work. His main concern is the use of high quality materials combined with excellent construction. With respect to classic values of men’s style, he provides footwear that he is proud of creating them. He, also, gives prominence to developing a honest relationship with his client, based on trust.

It's a MAN's Class - Kwnstantinos Custom Made Shoes

For Kwnstantinos, everything is possible. Every project is a challenge to him and he always enjoys the process.

It's a MAN's Class - Kwnstantinos Custom Made Shoes

One, could also order his own bespoke shoes, by distance, under his guidance. This is quite interesting, as Kwnstantinos helps his clients take their measurements by themselves and then they choose together the materials and the style of the shoes, just like they would interact if they met in person.

It's a MAN's Class - Kwnstantinos Custom Made Shoes It's a MAN's Class - Kwnstantinos Custom Made Shoes

His motto says it all:

“If you’re going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start…” ~ Charles Bukowski

It's a MAN's Class - Kwnstantinos Custom Made Shoes

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